Sunday, April 11, 2010


This is my first blog entry ever. Woo hoo. I'm wondering a bit about the rules of blogging and have decided I can do whatever I want. Blogging is so great.

This blog was inspired by my 300 mile return drive from Santa Barbara to San Francisco. I remember when I used to do that drive on a more regular basis as a college student how it was a good thing I didn't go to school in LA because I couldn't possible stand to be in the car for any longer. HA! Then I moved to Portland and that 6 hour drive doubled.

As many good ideas are born from letting the radio auto search and only come up with mariachi music and religious sermons thus leaving me alone with my idle mind, this became one of those good ideas. The difference this time is that I'm following through. I'm here to blog about two of my favorite things: travel and food. I'm sure I'm not the first, but I sure as Hell won't be the last!